Iens, Edens.
We went to Edens (Dutch), Iens (Fries),which falls under municipality of Littenseradiel, it used to fall under the municipality Hennaarderadeel. We went to Iens on 7th January 2008. How ever it changed it name from Edens (Dutch) to Iens (Fries) in 1991, (according to the municipality Littenseradiel).It was a very overcast day, dark clouds, virtually black and threatening to have a down pour at any moment.
We did not think there would be much to see, when we looked on the map of Iens, it looked like a very small village and that you could not walk or drive through, it was a dead end village.
It used to be a dead end but today they have built a bicycle path (Fietspad), that runs along the 'Boalserter Feart'.
The people of this village find their work outside the village, as this village is mainly agricultural. Iens is not far from Spannum or Hinnaard.
We parked the car by the church. As we stepped out the car, I turned around and there was the church, I had really expected it to be small, but I was quite surprised to find it was quite large.
A part of this church was built around the thirteenth century and inside the church I beleive there are grave stones to be seen from the sixteenth century. Here are a view different views of the church.
I will try and translate, (though my Dutch is not as good as I would like it to be).
Part of the church and tower date around the 1300's, and in the north wall is clearly of Romanesque design.
The star on the roof of the church is Unique, and where it came from no one knows.
In the 1800's there is talk of the 'star on the church'.
IN 1784 the church was renovated and made bigger, hereby the well (dorpsput), I think that is what it is, was taken out and was laid in the church.
In the church is a engraved stone plaque of 'Bocco van Burmania',(+1553). An Alterstone was found from 1350, during the restorations of the church that took place in 1988-1990 and is once again in use.
I could not beleive that this ball of lighting bolts (that is what it looks like to me), was on top of a church spire. What it represented I do not know, Usually I have come across a hen or ship on top of the church spires, your guess is as good as mine! I have just read it is a 'star', it did look like lightning bolts to me though.
Before the year 1580 all the churches in Friesland were 'Catholic', since then the churches were changed to various other religions, this church was changed to 'Hervormde kerk'.
There was a grave with a head stone that interested me as it had the picture of the church tower engraved or painted on it. Here is a picture below.
There used to be a Land house (Stins), that housed the family 'Van Bumania'. In the church there is a plaque with this family's names and 'Coat of Arms' on.
This village was known to be the birthplace of the 'Fries poet, Piet Idzinga', we found a stone plaque layed in one of the brick walls of a house where he lived, which was in Fries.
De Edensermolen was built in 1847 to drain the Breeuwsma Polder.
There is also the "Sinterklazepleats", about which a legend is told, though I can not find it.
There is a farm (boerderij), named "Sinterklazepleats". whether this is the same as the one mentioned above I do not know.
"Sinterklazepleats" Farm,(boederij),I think. Taken while very overcast.
"Sinterklazepleats" Farm,(boederij).Taken after it cleared.
There were some lovely views from the church cementery.
As we continued our walk through Iens, we came across this house which is really typically Dutch, I just love the roof.
This house had a stone plaque in it, describing who laid the first brick, I come across this quiete a lot in the villages, it is very quaint.
The stone plaque closer up.
As we continued our walk the clouds cleared and thank goodness it did not rain on us.
Here are some more views of the village.
The style of the way this farm has been built, it is referred to in Dutch: Kop, Hals, Schouder, English: Head,Neck, Shoulder.
Main road through Iens.
This house or farm was built in 1742, this you also find a lot in village's with the year on it.
I thought this was so pretty.
Courtesy of F.O.T.W. (Flags of the World).
Iens village (Edens)
Iens (Dutch: Edend) is a village in Littenseradiel municipality, Fryslân province; it used to be in the former municipality of Hennaarderadeel, with (1958) 69 inhabitants; (1974) 46.An old road sign read: "Alleen naar Edens" (only to Edens).
There is the "Sinterklazepleats",about which a legend is told.
From Wapens en Flaggen fan Littenseradiel, booklet of the municipality.
Iens CoA: in gold a green "terp" issuing from base, charged with a yellow clover on a branch; on top with two flowers from the fan of a "swanneblom"(a waterlily); in chief a red lion passant.
Image by Jarig Bakker, 11 Sep 2003
adopted 1997; Design: Fryske Rie foar Heraldyk.
Flag: diagonally divided in three stripes of green, yellow and red, with in the canton a yellow flower from the fan of a waterlily. The yellow stripe with 2/5 flagheight.
On the terp of Iens was a "stins" (castle) of the Burmania family.
From the CoA of that family the clover on a branch has been taken.
The flowers have been used as a village-symbol, and were thus used on the new village-CoA.
The lion in chief can be seen on the bell in the village church.
The "swanneblom" flower is named swannepopel", Latin: Butomus umbellatus.
Is that a flower which is only present in "Ever"(as the english translation of "Iens" is)?
Design: Fryske Rie foar Heraldyk, after consultation of the local Society for village-interests "Pleatselik Belang".
Source: Genealogysk Jierboekje 1997.
Encyclopedie van het hedendaagse Friesland, c. 1978.
Jarig Bakker, 11 Sep 2003
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